Since it plays an important role in the height of Peruvian history in the twenties has been called “the old guard” which includes those of the Creole rhythm among those that stand out are José Sabas Libornio-Ibarra, Juan Peña Lobatón, Julio Flores, Óscar Molina. Those who will expand this genre and the popularity of this type of music can also remember those of Jesús Vásquez, Lucha Reyes, Oscar Avilés, Luis Abanto Morales and Chabuca Granda.

The celebrations are currently held in the different Creole clubs that are celebrated throughout the Peruvian country, especially in the Department of Lima. With different serenades and concerts organized by the municipalities in each of the districts as well as presentations are made among them are the precense of Eva Ayllón, Lucia de la Cruz, Bartola, Óscar Avilés, and many other performers and groups that leave the Name of our country and its music.