Culture Cusco-MachuPicchu News Lifestyle


Año nuevo cusco

The new year, the excitement and joy of this party; Take great importance in the calendar of your celebrations during the year; This party is one of the most important for its inhabitants of Cusco.

What is the traction of the celebration of the new year in Cusco?

One of the favorite places for people who live and visit Cusco; It is located in the middle and around the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. Large crowds of local people and travelers gather here a couple of hours before midnight; These places become parties of complete joy that offers us a scene of beautiful fireworks and the realization of different cabins. At midnight, people intertwined in hugs and mentalized their desire to receive the new year; They will start moving counterclockwise around the water fountain in the center of the square. The custom says that running seven laps around the Plaza de Armas attracts good luck for the new year.

Año Nuevo 2020 cusco

Another typical New Year tradition in Cusco is to run around the block carrying an empty suitcase that symbolizes the desire to make a trip during the next year which is carried out by a large number of people in the main square being the cabin that is most Performed by all attendees.

After midnight and after having received 2019 in the middle of the Plaza Mayor, between screams and excitement, people want to continue enjoying the beginning of the new year, going to night entertainment centers, which offer good live music in certain places , dance, good atmosphere food and drink; What makes this special date an unforgettable experience for its local residents and its various visitors. The experience of receiving the new year in Cusco, trying to express the emotion is not possible to feel told, you have to live it yourself visiting this beautiful and magical place.

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