A forceful dish made with guinea pig, cheese, sausage, chicken, jerky, corn tortilla, fish egg, among six other ingredients occupies the main tables of the Imperial City of Cusco throughout June. It is chiriuchu (hot chili pepper or spicy in Quechua), the flagship dish of the Inca region that is served at jubilee parties by Corpus Christi. The provincial mayor of Cusco, explained that, unlike other years, this 2019 want to give the chiriucho the same place as the ceviche on the coast or the rocoto relleno, in Arequipa, as a signature dish.
Meet the chiriuchu: the signature dish of the celebrations of Cusco
“You can argue whether it is rinds Ayacucho, Apurimac and Lima. If the anticucho ate first Chincha or Pacasmayo. But chiriuchu is a typical dish of Cusco, documented since the time of Tahuantinsuyo” he said.
The mayor refers to the chronicles of Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, who in 1572 spoke of the “strange” combinations of ingredients that the ancient Peruvians made in the kitchen.
For the relaunch of the dish, the provincial municipality organized a fair in the Plaza San Francisco (Fencing), where 150 vivanderas delighted more than 850 people per day with its exquisite flavor.
“This dish is great and cheap, a whole hill of meat for S / .22, should be in Mistura (most important gastronomic fair in Peru),” commented more than one satisfied diner.
Hilda Herrera, of the Association of Chiriucheras Franciscanas, guaranteed the cleanliness with which each dish was prepared.
“We have received training in food handling and we have the support of inspectors from the municipality.”