The archaeological center of Waqrapukara is located in the community of Huayqui, district of Acos, province of Acomayo, department of Cusco.
To reach this archaeological site of Waqrapukara, there are several accesses to reach this site:
- Cusco-Acomayo-Huayqui-Waqrapukara. (This route is the recommended and known)
- Cusco-Acomayo-Campi-Waqrapukara.
- Cusco-Acomayo-Huascar-Waqrapukara.
- Cusco-Acomayo-Pitumarca-Waqrapukara.
- Cusco-Pomacanchi-Santa Lucia-Waqrapukara.
The word Waqrapukara comes from the Quechua language:
Waqra = Horn, Pucara = Strength.
The inhabitants of the community of Llamapuka told us that they are not horns but are the stopped ears of a llama (South American auquénido) that has the function of alerting the presence of foreigners.
The archaeological center of WAQRAPUKARA is divided in 2 parts: In the high part we can observe the rocky spur where 2 enclosures separated by a central space are appraised, we can also observe niches and covers, all these constructions are of ceremonial functionality.